Program and Project Management

Delivering exceptional project outcomes is in our DNA. We have a second-to-none track record of project execution and a growing repeat client list. Our team can help plan, innovate, and deliver critical business objectives.  

It’s most likely that your organization doesn’t have the internal skillset or capacity to run transformational projects. Go beyond traditional project management of scope, time, budget, and resources and expect more from your investment. We deliver results.

Regarding Health Sector(And Other sectors),Monitoring and evaluation of project activities are essential to measure and judge the level of achievement of objectives and results. These operations consist of systematically and continuously evaluating the progress made, through the collection and analysis of information, as well as the use of this information to improve the work within the project. They also include the measurement, at a given moment, of the effects and impact of a project on the beneficiary populations.

Regarding Monitoring and Evaluation, Frave Group has a research and monitoring/evaluation (RM&E) department with a team of several consultants in operational research, applied research and monitoring/evaluation. Since 2022, the company has carried out Monitoring and Evaluation work (basic studies, monitoring study, operational research, technical assistance in monitoring and evaluation and evaluation work, training in M&E) in Cameroon, in several African countries Sub-Saharan

To date, Frave Group has provided technical support to various partners in the field of monitoring and evaluation (capacity building and verification of program implementation) and directly ensured monitoring and evaluation of its own development projects.