
In-depth face-to-face interviews

Face-to-face surveys initially consist of recruiting people randomly or selectively to have a sample of respondents who meet the desired characteristics. Secondly, the investigators submit a survey questionnaire to them, assisting them in their response options. The main advantage of this type of survey is to be able to easily administer “in situ” (i.e. at the place of the survey) open questions so that the interviewee can express themselves freely (without choose between proposed questions). Please note that this method is the most expensive given the human resources and the processing time it involves.

Here are the main places where face-to-face surveys take place: At Home, In Room, in the Street, in Business

We use software that allows adaptability and optimal response entry.

To carry out this type of survey, our investigators can edit paper questionnaires with the help of our software which offers exceptional design possibilities. Responses are entered manually in the processing software or on paper

Group focus

Focus groups are particularly suitable when you want to compare your analysis to the judgments of consumers with diverse profiles. This therefore presupposes that you have carried out an investigation elsewhere and that initial conclusions are available.

Discussion groups are the best way to get people interacting with each other and thus collecting divergent opinions. This dynamic cannot be captured in a face-to-face interview.

Observation of consumers in usual or manufactured situations

-Survey via SMS

-Online survey

-Telephone survey